An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy
2013–2014 Horizons Bible study
By Janice Catron with Suggestions for Leaders by Martha Sadongei
In the nine lessons of An Abiding Hope: The Presence of God in Exodus and Deuteronomy, author Janice Catron invites us to remember that the central actor in human experience is God. Our God is one who redeems, who brings liberty and fulfillment even when we do not deserve it, when we cannot redeem ourselves. This redemption is a “saving to” the fullness of life God intends for all humanity. The instructions in Exodus and Deuteronomy for life as a covenant community were extended to people who were on the move, who knew what it meant to be strangers in a foreign land. These teachings both invite and challenge us to consider our relationship with and responsibility toward migrants near and far.
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