Build Community

As disciples of Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Presbyterian Women are committed to finding, nurturing, and building community in our circles and cities and, truly, throughout the world!

Presbyterian Women’s community building is often rooted in mission or justice and peace work. Volunteering for reading programs or assisting at food banks connects us with members of our community we may not otherwise have met. These loving, mutually beneficial interactions grow God’s Beloved Community, reminding us that we are all, foremost, children of God regardless of how we are labeled or perceived.

Tell us your story about how you build community.

At the national level, Presbyterian Women offers programming that intentionally builds community with sisters around the world. These programs offer the opportunity for mutual sharing, consideration, and building up of one another!

Racial Equity

Presbyterian Women has committed to eliminating racism and increasing the cultural proficiency of the organization and its members through self-evaluations and Racial Equity Dialogue (RED) teams.

Churchwide Gathering

This triennial event is an opportunity for Presbyterian women from across the country (and around the world!) to gather for worship, education, community-building, fun, and renewal. Mark your calendars for the 2024 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women: August 8–11, 2024 in St. Louis, Missouri!

Global Exchange

Global Exchange is a relationship-building, fact-finding trip that takes Presbyterian Women to another part of the world to hear the joys and pain of our sisters.

USA Mission Experience

USA Mission Experience is a fact-finding, relationship-building trip that takes Presbyterian Women to an area of the United States to learn about the region’s history and culture, and the region’s existing church ministries.


To ask a question or to learn more about Building Community, contact Susan Jackson Dowd.


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Let Justice Roll Down Lesson Eight
Lesson Eight: Intergenerational Justice Scripture: 2 Kings 22:20; 23:25; 23:29–30; 24–25; 25:27–30 Economic Climate Justice The saying, “We do not inherit …
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