About the Gathering

Held once every three years, Presbyterian Women’s Churchwide Gathering is an opportunity for Presbyterian women from across the country (and around the world!) to gather for worship, education, community-building, fun and renewal. Participants will enjoy workshops, tours, forums, plenary sessions with inspiring speakers and worship. PW’s triennial Business Meeting—where budget, leadership and programmatic emphases will be decided—takes place in conjunction with the Gathering.

What happens at the Gathering?
Lots! Join in worship—enjoying uplifting music and gifted preachers—with sisters in faith from around the country and the world. Find inspiration in the plenary (large group) sessions, which highlight everything from Bible study to mission projects. Learn about your areas of passion and key issues in the world today through educational opportunities (forums and workshops) led by inspiring speakers. Witness the installation of the newly elected leaders. Visit the many exhibits. Shop in the marketplace and bookstore. Take in some of the interesting and fun sites of the city.

Click here for resources from the 2024 Churchwide Gathering

Stay tuned for information about the 2027 Churchwide Gathering


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Let Justice Roll Down Lesson Eight
Lesson Eight: Intergenerational Justice Scripture: 2 Kings 22:20; 23:25; 23:29–30; 24–25; 25:27–30 Economic Climate Justice The saying, “We do not inherit …
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