Support Mission

For more than 200 years, Presbyterian women have demonstrated a commitment to serve the mission of the church in special, caring ways. From our early beginnings as missionary societies to our work with hospitals and schools, our caring has been tangible. What does it mean to support the mission of the church worldwide? For Presbyterian Women, it means that we respond to God’s love for us by offering our many gifts to ensure wholeness for all. Standing alongside the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and our ecumenical partners, we bring Christ’s love to the world.

Presbyterian Women in the Congregations, Presbyteries and Synods often also identify their own mission partners, answering needs in their communities or regions. If your group would like to pursue that route, the Together in Service Guide offers guidelines for identifying and selecting a mission emphasis and forging mission partnerships.

Presbyterian Women Churchwide also offers a number of opportunities for mission:

Birthday Offering and Thank Offering

The Birthday and Thank Offerings have supported thousands of mission projects worldwide. The Birthday Offering has primarily funded capital improvement projects, while the Thank Offering has funded smaller, new or expanded projects and small capital improvement projects.

Together in Service/Mission Opportunities

Whether it’s by picking up knitting needles to create a blanket for a child or picking up a crowbar to participate in disaster recovery work, Presbyterian Women get to work when there’s a need.

PW Development Projects

By providing seed money or resources for income-generating work, Presbyterian Women has helped women worldwide to support their families.

Mission Tours

Presbyterian Women participate in mission through hands-on mission opportunities arranged between Presbyterian Women and mission partners.

In addition to these programs, mission is at the heart of Presbyterian Women’s Global Exchange and USA Mission Experience.


To ask a question or to learn more about Support Mission, contact Cheri Harper.


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