
Poverty isn’t just a financial situation; living in or on the verge poverty means struggling with
      • securing safe, affordable housing
      • access to education
      • hunger
      • health and access to health care

Eliminating poverty means responding to both immediate needs and systemic injustices.

A good example of this is how many Presbyterian Women (PW) in the Congregation, Presbyterian and Synod groups work to end poverty by supporting local or regional efforts to end homelessness in the short-term (homeless shelters) and the long-term (transitional and affordable housing).

Quality education for all children is a passion of Presbyterian Women’s. Learn more about PW’s partnerships and initiatives for education.

In addition to local or regional work, Presbyterian Women works to end poverty through denominational programs, such as Enough for Everyone and Self-Development of People.



Women of faith respond to hunger and malnutrition in many ways. We contribute to food banks, volunteer in community kitchens, avoid over-consumption and waste, buy locally grown food, promote nutrition in schools and more.  

Consider supporting the work of one (or more!) of these organizations and networks:
      • Presbyterian Hunger Program
      • Stamp Out Hunger
      • 1,000 Days
      • Bread for the World
      • Coalition of Immokalee Workers
      • Campaign for Fair Food


Health and access to health care

Poverty adversely affects people’s ability to secure adequate health care all over the world. Whether it’s clean water, mental health services or prenatal care, accessing basic health services can make all the difference.

Support one (or more!) of the following programs that facilitates health care:
      • IMA World Health
      • Church World Service
      • Living Waters for the World


Nutrition and health in the first 1,000 days

Proper nutrition in the 1,000 Days between a woman’s pregnancy and a child’s second birthday significantly improves a child’s mental and physical development throughout life. To raise awareness of this critical period, Presbyterian Women has answered Bread for the World’s call to hold 1,000 conversations about maternal and child nutrition. Use these questions to start your conversation about nutrition and health. Learn more about other resources to help your 1,000 Days work.

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Let Justice Roll Down Lesson Four
Lesson Four: Water Justice Scripture: Genesis 1:2; 2:10; 3:17–19; 4:12; 5–9; 7:17–24; 9:18–17; 12:10; 26:1; 42:5; 46 Water Justice As the first …
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