PW Of First Presbyterian Lincoln Adapts To Include Entire Congregation

When I first became active in Presbyterian Women in 1994, we met once a month on Wednesday for a lunch and a program. At that time, we alternated programs—something spiritual or mission-oriented and then something lighter or fun.
We continued this way until I went to my first Churchwide Gathering in Louisville in 1997, where I got really inspired. It took about three years of convincing the group to try some evening or Saturday meetings to include all church women. Some older members resisted the change. As it turned out, we tried it and it wasn’t very successful. Some women complained that they didn’t know when we were meeting (even though they had yearbooks and other reminders 😉
So now we have our meetings either Sunday after church, in conjunction with an all-church luncheon, or on Wednesday evenings, again in conjunction with an all-church function and meal. We do our programs following the meal. Everyone is included; that means that the men stay. We have an unofficial men’s auxiliary that helps with cooking, serving and clean-up.
We call Coordinating Team meetings when necessary to take care of general business. These are usually held around 5:30 p.m., as some working women are officers.
Our year usually looks something like this:
- September is our kick-off (could be Sunday or Wednesday)
- October is our fall gathering, so no meeting
- November is our Thank Offering program (again, Sunday or Wednesday)
- December may be something with CE for advent
- January, we work with mission for a Sunday lunch and usually a fundraiser
- February or March, we may do something for Birthday Offering
- April, we have our PWP spring gathering
- Generally May is too busy for anything.
The year we have new officers, we will do a Sunday lunch and installation. Our officer terms are two years.
We really like to team up with another church committee for our events; that usually ensures a good turnout.
Contact Joan Berglund for more information.