Agents of God’s Mission

May 4, 2017

Presbyterians in America have always had a deep commitment to mission. This commitment is rooted in our distinct theology.

Our tradition is marked by a strong affirmation of the sovereignty of God. When this affirmation has been functioning well (as it often has), it has given those in our denomination a deep sense of confidence in engaging the world around us, steadied by the knowledge that God is present wherever we go, and that the Holy Spirit, who goes with us, is stronger than any other spirit we will encounter.

Empowered, we have courageously proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ, telling of new life—life with the fullness and vibrancy God wants, found in Jesus Christ, who overcomes the sting of sin and death for us. We have paid attention to the world around us, refusing to turn our eyes from places where God’s intents are being thwarted. and we have responded—working to heal wounds, bring knowledge to those thirsty for it and justice where it is absent.

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