In Times of Uncertainty

A few years ago, while living in Bend, Oregon, we had to drive back from Portland on the eve of Thanksgiving. After having a great dinner with family, we were faced with the task of getting back home. The normally three-hour drive is especially beautiful because one travels through a mountain pass. But that evening, snow was falling hard. With the high elevation and the blinding snow, we drove for about an hour and a half in sheer terror. We could only see one or two feet in front of us. Needless to say, that was the one and only time we made that trip at night in winter.
That terrifying drive has become a personal metaphor for the many times in my life when I have not been able to see the road ahead but instead had to focus on what I could actually see and do, fully relying on the One who is ever with me. I know there are times in life that can turn our worlds upside down, leaving us without any sense of direction or control. Sometimes old maps don’t lead us to where we thought we would go. Instead, we find ourselves in new, scary and uncertain places. These may include the death of a loved one, the loss of health, a job loss, a natural disaster, wars, violence in the community, conflict, or even “simple” change.
How do we find our way in such times of uncertainty?