Do Everything in Love

It’s fitting that February—the month associated with love (hearts and flowers and blooms)—is also the time when Presbyterian women are asked to lovingly support their organization through PW‘s “Do Everything in Love” (DEIL) month. Supporting Presbyterian Women is a very big DEIL!

  • D is for denominational. Presbyterian women are fully engaged in all matters of the life of our church and church community.
  • E is for ecumenical. From prayer movements like the Fellowship of the Least Coin to advocacy at the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women, PW works in many spheres for positive change.
  • I is for inclusive. The PW Purpose guides us “to build an inclusive, caring community of women.” That’s why PW groups actively seek to build God’s beloved community, where everyone’s gifts are valued.
  • L is for love! Unconditional love. Love in action. Love in connection. Love in faith. Supporting our organization and our siblings in Christ through Presbyterian Women is a faithful response to God’s love for each of us.

Here’s the DEIL (or how to participate)

For the month of February, make a “Do Everything in Love” financial gift. You may give securely online or mail a check (details below).

If you choose to honor an individual with your donation, you can download the cards or inserts to send, which feature rose imagery perfect for this symbolic gift! Choose the rose that you prefer and/or consider these traditional associations:

Red – for many, a symbol of love (PDF download or send a digital card)
White – hope (PDF download or send a digital card)
Pink – appreciation and gratitude (PDF download or send a digital card)
Yellow – friendship and fun (PDF download or send a digital card)
• and for ease of printing and because coloring pages are fun, black-and-white! (PDF download or send a digital card)

Download a “Do Everything in Love” flier. After you complete the flier, mail it and the check (made payable to “Presbyterian Women” with “Do Everything in Love” in the notes line) to

Presbyterian Women, Inc.
PO Box 643652
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3652

Questions? Contact Carissa Herold.