Horizons: January/February 2020

January/February 2020
Humility & Respect
Toni Morrison’s novels offer pro-found (and lyrical) insights on life and the way people relate to one another. In Song of Solomon, Hagar is nearly driven mad by her unrequited love for Milkman. Milkman’s friend, Guitar, tries to pull Hagar back to reality, saying “You’re turning over your whole life to him. Your whole life, girl. And if it means so little to you that you can just give it away, hand it to him, then why should it mean any more to him? He can’t value you more than you value yourself” (306).
The quest to achieve a healthy self-image is indeed a lifelong balancing act. Young children shift from emphatic declarations about their talents (“I’m the best colorer/bubble-blower/door holder.”) to, as young adults, questioning their skills and talents (“I’m not as fast/smart/popular as she is.”). Not that adults swing back and forth any less. We find a relationship/job/avocation that gives us stability/purpose/focus . . . until it doesn’t, and our self-worth dips as we try to steady ourselves and recalibrate our sense of self.
In this issue, contributors explore the many ways we engage with the world and people in it. Sometimes, that means respecting ourselves enough to realize that we have valuable contributions to offer. Anna Kendig offers helpful insights for growing in self-awareness, especially when we are uncomfortable. The spiritual practices she suggests are excellent touchpoints for ensuring we treat ourselves and others with the respect all God’s children deserve.
Other times, engaging faithfully with the world means having the humility to stand quietly and listen. abby mohaupt models this somber reflection as she considers our world’s environmental crisis. Still other times, it means appreciating other people’s valuable contributions. Catrelia Hunter shares how PW in Salem Presbytery have committed to this through various antiracism and racial equity initiatives. Above all, it means, as Danilie Hilerio-Villanueva suggests in the Bible study resource, setting aside assumptions about who is right, so that we can respect and celebrate God’s diverse, wonderful world.
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Grounding Ourselves in God and One Another: Deepening Practices of Humility and Respect
Anna Kendig shares three spiritual practices that are helpful for self-awareness (finding a healthy point between shame and pride) and treating others with respect.
Racial Healing and Reconciliation
Catrelia Hunter describes a number of initiatives in Salisbury, North Carolina, that are helping members of the community engage in racial healing and reconciliation.
Nothing We Do Is Enough: Humility and Climate Change
abby mohaupt reflects on our environmental crisis, sharing her grief over damage done to the world and her faith that we remain part of God’s beloved creation.
PW Resources
Call to the Gathering
Bible Study Resource
Danilie C. Hilerio-Villanueva offers reflections and questions for use in studying Lessons Seven and Eight of the 2019–2020 PW/Horizons Bible study, Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments by Eugenia Anne Gamble.
2020 Birthday Offering Dedication Service
Kate Duffert
2020 Birthday Offering Recipient List
Loved into Being
Cecilia Amorocho Hickerson
Unpacking the Theme: Scripture Study
Silence That Calls Us to Love Too Much
Lis Valle-Ruiz
After the Offering
Partners in Caring for Women and Infants
Jennell P. Charles
Pages Worth Turning
News and Information About Presbyterian Women and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Supporting Mission
Educating and Welcoming the Children
Leisa Wagstaff
Working for Justice and Peace
Policy Change Impacts Lives of Poor
Yvonne Hileman
Faithful Parenting
Inspired to Talk
Amy Starr Redwine
Stories from the Ages
“Love”: An Active Noun
Hillary Moses Mohaupt