Horizons: July/August 2020

July/August 2020
The Horizons Editorial Committee chose “Ecology” as a theme for this issue in 2018 because, they said, it was past time to focus on the environment and our sacred connection to it. What better theme than ecology, studying the way living beings relate to one another and their environment? And, now, given how the first half of 2020 unfolded, what more timely and relevant theme? We continue to live into the new reality ushered in by the coronavirus. Scientists and doctors stress hand washing, mask wearing and physical distancing to keep ourselves healthy, but also to ensure that we do not unknowingly spread the virus to others. We know we are bound to one another and that we are God’s children, but beyond that, there’s so much we just don’t know about living with this pandemic.
When can we safely return to our church buildings?
“We just don’t know.”
When can we come together to cele-brate the lives of those who have died?
“We just don’t know.”
When can we hug people who don’t live in our household?
“We just don’t know.”
How can we best offer support to people whose income or personal safety has been further compromised?
“We just don’t know.”
When will an effective vaccine be widely available?
“We just don’t know.”
Although “we just don’t know” seems to be a refrain we hear over and over these days, “we just know” that as disciples of Jesus Christ and as Presbyterian Women we are called to live out our commitment to the PW Purpose. We know that we are called to “nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study”; “to support the mission of the church worldwide”; “to work for justice and peace”; and “to build an inclu-sive, caring community of women that strengthens” our denomination and “witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.” In other words, the words “we just don’t know” cannot keep us from living out what we do know.
We do know that “we just don’t know” cannot be our response to racism. The killings of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor have widened the Black Lives Matter movement and inspired more commitments than ever from people of all skin tones to antiracism. While we may not yet have answers, we know that systems and ideologies that privilege some while harming others are not what God intends for God’s beloved community and world. We must do better.
The contributors to this issue explore the ways we are tied to one another, how the health of one impacts all. The artists and writers reflect on how we can wield power as individuals or groups to bring about meaningful change—a powerful reminder in this time when it feels simultaneously like there’s so much we can’t do, but so much we need to do and must do. May the following pages remind you of your beloved community and your vital place in it.
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Honoring Our Connections
Christian Brooks highlights the relationships between Black people, particularly women, and the environment, and the ways that modern society has eroded this relationship and compromised the health of Black communities and the earth.
Hungering for Action
Jessica Maudlin reflects on what hunger can teach us—about our assumptions, our beliefs as a society and about breaking old habits to respond in new ways. She also profiles the denominational offices offering action and awareness-building around caring for the world and those who live in it.
Little Village’s Big Vision for Wholeness
Jennifer Evans describes the work of Little Village Environmental Justice Organization—an organization in the Little Village neighborhood of Chicago guided by a prophetic vision of community and sustainable neighborhood health.
Protecting and Sharing Our Planet
Shantha Ready Alonso offers insights on the national legislation and international conventions proposed to protect the environment, and what faith communities and individuals can do to support these protections and, in so doing, protect our planet and the people on it.
Hymn in Response to COVID-19
Anna Bedford’s original hymn celebrates the miracle that not even COVID-19 can sever our connectedness or limit our potential to help one another.
PW Resources
Anna H. Bedford Bible Study Resource
Joyce MacKichan Walker offers insights and questions for use in studying Lessons One and Two of the 2020–2021 PW/Horizons Bible study, Into the Light: Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament by P. Lynn Miller.
2020 Thank Offering Recipients
2020 Thank Offering Dedication Service
Fill Us with Life Anew
Cecilia Amorocho Hickerson
Unpacking the Theme: Scripture Study
Growing Green and Wild
Amy Kim Kyremes-Parks
After the Offering
How Do We Say Goodbye to PJT?
Alyson Miller
Pages Worth Turning
Working for Justice and Peace
Standing Together for the Good of the Community
Judy Reinsma
News and Information About Presbyterian Women and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Faithful Parenting
Is This Who I Am?
Amy Starr Redwine
Stories from the Ages
Connected Despite the Distance
Hillary Moses Mohaupt
Strengthening the PC(USA)
Pull Back the Curtain
JyungIn Lee