Horizons: November/December 2016

Educate a Child—Save the World
Mihee Kim-Kort, in her scripture study, “Let the Children Come to Me,” reminds us that Jesus had special care and regard for children. She writes, “This Mark passage [Mk 10:13-16] illustrates for us not only the ways we can be like children, but how to care for and attend to the children in our lives—with the same hospitality that Jesus offers all of us children of God.”
Educate a Child, Transform the World: Bringing Presbyterian Heritage to the Fore
Eileen Lindner helped shape the denomination’s “Educate a Child, Transform the World” initiative. She explores how everyday Presbyterians can lean into our shared theological tradition, heritage of ministry and practical capability to make this initiative a reality.
Transforming the World Through Education: Daunting Task, Huge Opportunity
Churchwide moderator Carol Winkler explores why Presbyterian women should plan to “leave footprints” by stepping up to guide our young people to educational success.
Dreaming (and Acting) on Behalf of At-risk Children: “Chomping” Obstacles to Education for All of God’s Children
Alonzo Johnson explores the many barriers to quality education our children face, particularly children of color and children of poverty. “No matter where we are, there is something that we can do.”
School-to-prison Pipeline: Criminalizing Minor Infractions to Fill Private Prisons
Wanda Beauman, PW’s Churchwide vice moderator of justice and peace, shines a bright light on a very disturbing trend: the “school-to-prison pipeline.”
Navigating the Great Divide: Valuing Public Education for a More Just Society
For Dee Dee Risher, quality public education is not just a right, it’s personal. She asks, “To what degree do we make unconventional and difficult choices because they can lead toward a more equitable vision for society?”
Educate a Child, Transform, the (Entire) World
Frank Dimmock explores the many ways that the church can participate in the Educate a Child initiative internationally.
Faith Travels: Bringing Children Along in Faith
Veteran Christian educator Dee Koza explores John Westerhoff’s first two stages of faith and how the church can bring our youngest children “along in faith” so that faith “travels” with them through their entire lives.
PW Resources
Celebrate the Gifts of Women
Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart
Rhashell D. Hunter
Bible Study Resource
Katie Mulligan offers reflections and questions for use in studying Lessons Five and Six of the 2016–2017 PW/Horizons Bible study: Who Is Jesus? What a Difference a Lens Makes, by Judy Yates Siker
Fellowship of the Least Coin
Corazon Tabing-Reyes announces the 2016 grant recipients of the Fellowship of the Least Coin, a worldwide ecumenical prayer movement.
Educate a Child (The World Depends On It)
Cecilia Amorocho Hickerson
Unpacking the Theme: Scripture Study
Let the Children Come to Me
Mihee Kim-Kort
What One PW Is Doing
Updraft—A Collaboration with San Bernardino High School
Dorothy Garcia
Faithful Parenting
Building Empathy, One Book at a Time
Amy Starr Redwine
Stories from the Ages
Extra Adults
Hillary Moses Mohaupt
After the Offering
A Girl in Haiti’s EcoVillage
Gordon French
Building Community
Ties that Bind Hearts (and Clothing!): Sharing Traditions, Building Community in Chicago
Carol Gruber
Pages Worth Turning
Alonzo Johnson
News and Information About Presbyterian Women and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Supporting Mission
A Summer Full of Blessings
Ruth Powers
Strengthening the PC(USA)
An Embarrassment of Riches
Denise Anderson