Horizons: September/October 2024

September/October 2024
Listening to Learn
Listening can be a remarkably difficult task, even though many of us approach it as if we can listen well while doing any number of other things. But listening well rarely happens while multitasking. Then there’s the added layer of to what or to whom we listen, what we’re listening for, and why we’re listening (or why we’re not). This issue of Horizons features a wonderful collection of articles on topics worth hearing, from practical to heart-wrenching, by writers with voices and ideas we are excited to share. It’s our hope that something you read here might start a much-needed conversation—in your congregation, in your community or perhaps in yourself.
—Leah Ellison Bradley, guest editor
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To Whom Are We Listening?
Jan Edmiston tackles a timely question: “What Is the Church’s Role in This Age of Dis/Mis-Information?”
The Voice Inside Us All
Rachel Whaley Doll reflects on how she encounters, celebrates and nurtures the still small voice of God’s Holy Spirit.
Breaking the Silence
Dan Milford shares how his congregation listens to those reluctant to speak about mental health concerns.
The Shema and Grief
Fran Tilton Shelton underscores the importance of listening to another’s lament through the lens of the Shema, a touchstone of the Hebrew scriptures.
Listening to Learn
Judith McMillan recounts her congregation’s adventures in creating something worth listening to: podcasts.
Etchings in Diversity
Two excerpts from Etchings in Diversity, a new resource for Presbyterian Women—a book of short stories that give readers the opportunity to listen to diverse voices that enlarge our vision of what it means to be an inclusive, caring community.
PW Resources
Anna H. Bedford Bible Study Resource
Sarah Leer offers reflections and questions for studying lessons Three and Four of the 2024–25 PW/Horizons Bible study, Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation by Patricia K. Tull.
2024 PW Churchwide Gathering Highlights
Pay Attention
Cecilia Amorocho Hickerson
Working for Justice and Peace
Illuminating Presbyterian Women’s Stand Against Injustice
Stephanie M. Patterson
What One PW Is Doing
Holy Ground
Margaret Boles
Strengthening the PC(USA)
Unity in the Harvest
Pam Snyder and Kelsey Law
After the Offering
Cancer Navigators
Sarah Husser
Faithful Parenting
A Sacred Act
Melanie Marsh
Stories from the Ages
An Early Morning Adventure
Hillary Mohaupt