Horizons: March/April 2020

March/April 2020
Always Reforming
“Ecclesia Reformata, Semper Reformanda” was a saying first popularized in 16th century Europe as the motto for religious reform. The saying, which means “the church reformed, always reforming,” is still vital to our under-standing of our denomination and belief system. It speaks to a belief that, as a church, we should be open to change—which runs counter to another perennially popular motto, “We’ve always done it that way!”
All joking aside, “always reforming” is a call for us to engage faithfully with the world around us, while honoring the guidance scripture gives us. It’s rooted in the belief that God through the Holy Spirit is at work in our lives—our indi-vidual lives and the life of the church.
Fittingly, this issue includes the last Bible study resource for Eugenia Gamble’s Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments. As this study has been about revisiting the commandments (or “Words” as Eugenia suggests), how fitting that Danilie Hilerio-Villanueva offers a final reflection on our universal struggle to live into these Words. God’s Words may have been carved in stone, but little else is, it seems. Just as we think we can live into God’s hopes for us, we change or the world changes, and we stumble and miss the mark in a new way. Happily, God loves us anyway. We are loved and forgiven, and made for community with others who are also loved and forgiven.
May this issue support you in your faith, and remind you that you are an essential part of God’s beloved commu-nity and of what you love about the community of Presbyterian Women. ts in the Bible study resource, setting aside assumptions about who is right, so that we can respect and celebrate God’s diverse, wonderful world.
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One of Us
Mihee Kim-Kort examines the impact of “us” and “them” labels in scripture and in our society today. She casts these exchanges in comparison with Jesus’ radical message of community and love, and the vision in scripture of people coming together.
Transformation Versus Reformation
Amantha Barbee reflects on what it means for a congregation to be intercultural, and what work we need to do as individuals and as a denomination to ensure our congregations are authentically welcoming to all people.
Expanding the Narrative—A New Theoacademy Series Fosters Honest Dialogue Concerning Gender Discrimination and Calls for Change
Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty introduces a video series that speaks to the realities of women in leadership in our denomination. She highlights the work that remains to be done so that all women, particularly women of color, can live into the fullness of God’s vision.
On Being Installed
Gusti Linnea Newquist describes her recent installation as a pastor. She reflects on the ways that we all accept God’s call, and offers that supporting one another and honoring others’ gifts and foibles is also a part of our call.
Happy, Blessed and Blessing— Anna and Jerry Bedford’s Enduring Legacy to Presbyterian Women (and an Invitation to Join Them!)
Carissa Herold profiles Anna and Jerry Bedford, who have loved and supported PW and the church in a number of ways, including their recent gift of two endowments that will support PW ministries into the future.
PW Resources
Women of Vision
Installation Service for Presbyterian Women
Cheri Harper
2019 Honorary Life Membership Recipients
Bible Study Resource
Danilie C. Hilerio-Villanueva offers reflections and questions for use in studying Lessons Nine of the 2019–2020 PW/Horizons Bible study, Love Carved in Stone: A Fresh Look at the Ten Commandments by Eugenia Anne Gamble.
Constantly Transformed
Cecilia Amorocho Hickerson
Unpacking the Theme: Scripture Study
From Despair to Hope: The Transforming Words of the Beatitudes
Beth Herrinton-Hodge
Pages Worth Turning
Supporting Mission
The Little Church That Grew and Grew
Clare Thomas
What One PW Is Doing
A Hobby and Heartfelt Gift
Beth Kochheiser
Faithful Parenting
All I Have Known and Know Right Now
Amy Starr Redwine
After the Offering
PW Serves Justice Through Funding for Anti-trafficking Program
Christi Boyd and Doug Tilton
News and Information About Presbyterian Women and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Stories from the Ages
Staying Open
Hillary Moses Mohaupt
Strengthening the PC(USA)
Embracing the Tension
Cindy Kohlmann